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Graphite golf shafts – Not all golf shafts are the same. There are a few kinds out there, metal, fiberglass, and graphite.

Metal is FORBIDDEN, not only is it against the rules, it's against common sense as well. It's solid as, well, metal. It will tear a sword to pieces from the inside out, not to mention seriously injure your friends. Fiberglass is BAD, whippy as a spaghetti noodle and it likes to splinter like mad. When it breaks it’s hard to notice until someone gets a twelve inch sliver jabbed into them. Not a lot of fun I’ve seen it, pretty gruesome stuff. That brings us to graphite.

Graphite is GOOD, it’s got exceptional strength while being light, it’s got a very high breaking point, and when it does break, it snaps clean in half and snaps loud enough and distinctive enough so that even the flurbs watching from the sidelines know what just happened.                   

Not as easy to find as the other materials, check thrift shops, yard sales, salvation army, flea markets etc. When you do find it…SCORE!!! 

Funnoodle® - There are many types of noodle out there, and Funnoodle® isn't the least expensive, initially. However it is the most durable of what is available. If you use any of the other brands, expect on becoming a master sword crafter real quick, as you will be rebuilding them often. It is available from Wal-Mart during most of the summer season, and is relatively inexpensive. However since it’s a summer item it is hard to find during the cold months. Stock up on supply to weather the off-season. Usually stores like Wal-Mart will clear out the inventory and mark it down considerably, making it less painful on your wallet.

 Camp foam – This closed cell foam is easy to come by in large sheets. Wal-Mart sells it under the name Ozark Trail Camp Pad, you can find it in the sporting goods section. It is durable and inexpensive, expect to pay about $5.00 - $7.00 for a sheet 2’ x 6’ which equals about 250 sword and pummel tips. (Or 62 swords worth of foam)

 Packing Tape – Where to start… There are so many different kinds of tape out there it can be hard to decide on one. Some are lighter than others, some more durable. I prefer the middle ground. I use the Duck® packing tape 1.88” x 54.7yards x 1.9mil. It’s somewhat lightweight, but tough (27ft·lb/in²) meaning durability. Use your discretion but be aware, the lighter the tape the less tinsel strength it has and the more likely it is to break, leaving the foam in the sword to do the same.

 Trouser socks – I find that the women’s trouser sock is a great sword cover, quick and easy to install. Though not as durable as a sewn cloth cover; it’s inexpensive, and light. I use the ASDA George ones. You can find them in the women’s hosiery section at any Wal-Mart. They come in a wide variety of colors and prints, which makes for some very fun swords. Words of warning, these socks are made of more nylon than spandex, if you plan to really abuse your weapon (fighting in weapon scrambles, on rocky ditch fields, or against metal armor for example) then you may wish to go with a sewn cover.


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